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6 Tips for Managing Stress or Overwhelm

1. What can I do when I feel overwhelmed?

Trying to think clearly or solve problems when your overwhelmed can be like trying to find the sun on an overcast day. So firstly, it is so important to always acknowledge how you feel. Name your feelings and remind yourself that this is ok. This helps to switch off any response that the Amygdala is having in the moment. A morning meditation is a beneficial way to start your day, leaving you feeling grounded, present and in your Parasympathetic Nervous System. When we learn to meditate, we become the observer of our thoughts and are able to train ourselves to be less reactive, by allowing the thoughts to pass us by, without buying into the story of them or “reacting” with judgment. Imagine being able to then transfer this ability to be non-reactive throughout your entire day. Every hour I recommend checking in on your breath, breathing deeply to your belly (diaphragmatic breathing) to stimulate your Vagus Nerve which keeps activating your Parasympathetic Nervous System.

2. How can I have more energy and feel less tired or drained?

Waking up in the morning and hitting snooze 5 times and starting the day tired isn’t getting you off to a great start and possibly a sign something needs to change. Start by checking in on where your energy is being consumed. Are you giving out or expending more energy than what you are receiving? Create a list of everything you have done in the past 24 hours. The list needs two headings YIN (energy in) YANG (energy out). For example, sleep and meditation go under Yin, problem solving, thinking, talking or exercising go under Yang. Decide whether or not you are balanced in the 24 hours. And notice what needs to change. Commit to one action that will ensure you stayed balanced in your energy.

3. How do I create life balance without feeling guilty?

You finally gift yourself the time to do something special just for you, yet instead of enjoying it, you think about all the work you “should” be doing? Says who! I remind clients frequently that you really cannot pour from an empty cup. To remove the feeling of guilt we simply have to reframe your thoughts and beliefs. Spend time journaling all the reasons your cup deserves to be full and how having a full cup will positively impact you and all of those around you.

4. How do I become less reactive in my interactions with others?

Who hasn’t said or done something in the past that they wish they could have taken back? In the moment that you feel triggered or an emotion arises, take time to come back to presence before responding. One of the best tools to practise presence is to focus on naming 5 things you can see, hear, smell, touch or taste right now. This allows space between the emotion and your choices. You can then be more conscious in your interactions.

5. How can I prioritise my self-care?

We all know how good we feel after getting that much needed massage, going for a walk in nature or cooking a nourishing meal, right? Get out your diary for the week. Schedule one self-care task for each day that is a non-negotiable and make it a priority. Notice how much more effective you are at work and through out your day by making this commitment to yourself.

6. When should I say "No" at work or in my personal life?

Saying yes to everyone and everything can come from the desire or need to please. And it serves everyone except you! We end up feeling overwhelmed with little time to ourselves. So, at the beginning of the week it’s a great idea to write down 1 personal goal e.g. to spend time reading my book and 1 work goal e.g. to focus on completing a deadline or project. Practise saying “No” to anything that could stop you from achieving this goal or doesn’t actually serve you and/or the other person’s highest self.

Recap on the 6 Actions you can take to feel less stressed and overwhelmed and come back into alignment with your need and desires:

1. Meditate each morning and take 10 diaphragmatic breaths every hour during the day.

2. Write down how many hours in a day are spent doing Yang (energy out) tasks and Yin (energy in) tasks and create an action plan to bring them into balance.

3. Journal all the reasons your cup deserves to be full and how that will impact you and those around you.

4. If you feel triggered or an emotion arises, take time to come back to presence before responding. Name 5 things you can see, hear, smell, touch or taste right now.

5. Schedule one daily self-care task into your calendar that is a non-negotiable.

6. At the beginning of each week write down 1 personal life goal and 1 work goal. Practise saying no to what is not aligned with these goals.

"Your body will always give you messages to come back into alignment with your needs and desires"


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